Information Resources
Sample data of individual records from your live application. Below are the primary entities in your application. Selecting one of the entities from the list will present a view of all the fields for that entity, along with the JSON-LD and model diagram for each field.
Getting Started
Technologies Overview
Data Models
Data to Curate Relationships
Data Review Resources
This site contains documentation and review tools for use with Design for Context's museum browse linked data applications. It provides mappings for field-level properties of art objects, archival materials, people/organizations from an alpha flavor of, information for maintaining and using the data, and tools to check data consistency and extension.
Field-Level Mappings
18 fields
Philadelphia Museum of Art art objects
Paintings, photography, drawings, etc 25 fields Philadelphia Museum of Art archival objects
Archival things catalogued as items or objects 18 fields Centre Pompidou art objects
Paintings, photography, drawings, etc 25 fields Centre Pompidou archival items
Archival things catalogued as items 25 fields Association Marcel Duchamp archival items
Archival things catalogued as items
Paintings, photography, drawings, etc 25 fields Philadelphia Museum of Art archival objects
Archival things catalogued as items or objects 18 fields Centre Pompidou art objects
Paintings, photography, drawings, etc 25 fields Centre Pompidou archival items
Archival things catalogued as items 25 fields Association Marcel Duchamp archival items
Archival things catalogued as items